Windsor Street Chakra Rituals

Summer Solstice, June 20th & 21st 2020

On the longest day of the year, six artists & healers; Catherine, Clare, Jackie, Kate, Maxine and Nina travelled from St. James gardens up Windsor Street, to Princes Park. during the covid pandemic lockdown, travelling in a socially-distanced way, they visited the seven chakras (or energy points) along the street. At each place they stopped to bless the spaces offering food, colour, movement, sound healing, song and the planting of wild garlic.

In spring of 2018 Kate devised the Windsor street chakras idea of special spaces of energy in our street, like those found in the body. In the summer of 2020 we revisited these considering:

  • Sustainable transformation of our community
  • Systemic racism
  • The impacts of lockdown

This work was generously supported through the Culture Arts Investment Fund, Culture Liverpool, Liverpool City Council and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Short film by Tim Brunsden