Since 2009, Squash has designed and nurtured several food garden spaces on Windsor Street, using permaculture & other regenerative urban agriculture principles.
We have trained many local people to tend these spaces and offer learning city-wide in skills including garden design, composting, seed-saving, food growing & healing plantlore.
We run Toxteth Seed Library, saving a wide selection of heritage seeds on Windsor Street to maintain seed & food sovereignty in our community. Squash have run Liverpool’s annual seed save & seed share events since 2016.
We embrace the 8-fold year from Samhain to Autumn Equinox and celebrate these annual seasonal touchstones with fire, food & music in community every 6 or so weeks. Come and join in.

Our main space is the GRAPES COMMUNITY FOOD GARDEN. It is home to the apple trees we planted in 2010 that heralded the starting point of our 100 Year Neighbourhood Vision. Like a human being, an apple tree, if well nurtured, can live for about 100 years.
Planned and developed by local residents, it is now a vibrant, mature, green space much-loved by locals and visitors alike. It produces significant yield of many food crops, food and flower plants to share amongst gardeners, to be sold in the Squash shop & used in making preserves & herbal remedies. It is also home to the Toxteth Seed Library.
Open WELLBEING sessions at the Grapes Community Food Garden from 10-1pm on Wednesdays, all year round. All welcome to come by for some gardening, cooking, eating and relaxing in the garden. DROP-IN.
Our KITCHEN GARDEN is situated behind the Squash building. Here we grow herbs, salad and vegetables. It’s a beautiful space to enjoy our cafe food in! There is a beautiful wooden verandah for year-round outdoor eating.
Behind Toxteth Library we tend our SEED GARDEN, where the crops we grow go to seed to help stock the Toxteth Seed Library.
The Grapes garden volunteers maintain these spaces alongside Squash staff.
The garden is next door to Toxteth TV on Windsor Street, L8 1XE. Please call 7077897 for more details or just pop along on a Wednesday. FREE / BY DONATION